Hey there, neighbors!

If you were at the last City Council debate, held at Xavarian high school – or if you’ve listened to the full, uncut audio we posted the next morning, we’ve got something you might enjoy.

Inspired by some of the incredible, ludicrious, repetitive and downright scary things we heard last Tuesday, Radio Free Bay Ridge has prepared the following drinking game for your debate-listening pleasure.

Depending on your choice of beverage, you could end up unbelievably hydrated, or seriously inebriated.

Play responsibly and in accordance with your local laws, and leave ideas for additional rules in the comments!

One sip:


  • Any candidate asks for a repeat on the question
  • Any candidate dodges a question by pivoting to another issue
  • Audience participation!
  • Any candidate is questioned about their religious beliefs
  • Any candidate refers to the federal government
  • Any candidate mentions how long they’ve lived in the district
  • Any candidate cribs a line from the El-Yateem campaign (or mentions Khader El-Yateem)
  • The moderator actually moderates the candidates in their answers


Two sips:


  • Bob Capano turns an unrelated question into a screed against immigrants
  • John Quaglione calls Bill de Blasio “Justin’s Mayor”
  • John Quaglione or Bob Capano blame de Blasio for the state of the MTA
  • A member of the audience offers their wallet to pay for a city program
  • Justin Brannan or John Quaglione get into a proxy war for their bosses
  • Bob Capano tells someone he’s qualified because he’s not a career politician
  • Bob Capano gives an example of why he’s qualified that comes from his experience working in politics
  • The audience laughs at the candidates (not with them)
  • Someone over-states the number of years John Quaglione has worked with Marty Golden’s office (it’s 19, not 400).
  • Justin Brannan gives his full response  to a question in under 5 seconds
  • Justin Brannan mentions bringing a lawsuit against the city
  • Bob Capano mentions his supermarket or plastic bags
  • John Quaglione brings up ending bottle deposits
  • The Reform Party shows up for on-cue Capano clapping
  • The moderator actually fact-checks a candidate
  • John Quaglione defends his vote for Drumpf by calling Clinton a criminal (nice reasoning, John)
  • Someone tries to use Justin’s punk-rock background against him
  • Bob Capano makes it through an answer without pivoting to immigrants/immigration (documented or undocumented)


Chug the Glass:


  • John Quaglione uses the term “barbarian” while discussion American citizens exercising their constitutional right to privacy and bodily autonomy.
  • John Quaglione defends Marty Golden’s “Bay Ridge Harbors Terrorists” comment
  • Justin Brannan cites the English-only, Bay Ridge Dems-branded “Bay Ridge Hearts All” as a sign of intersectionalism
  • Quaglione expresses the need for all residents to report how many children live in their home but denies it has anything to do with the “private information” of those who live in those homes.
  • Anybody actually points out that the MTA is a problem that gets fixed in Albany, not NYC
  • Any candidate mentions non-senior affordable housing
  • Marty Golden shows up

Remeber, the next debate is tomorrow night (Tuesday, October24th) from 7pm-9pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. This debate is the first hosted by the Arab American Association of New York, co-sponsored by Fight Back Bay Ridge and the South Brooklyn Progressive Resistance. Click here to RSVP on their facebook page. It’s at I.S. 30 (4th Ave and Ovington) on Tuesday, October 24th, from 7pm to 9pm. Doors open at 6:30pm.

The debate will be livestreamed, and we will once again do our best to provide an uncut recording for your listening pleasure.

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